On All investments made, 18% investment charge (Currency convert charge + currency to coin convert charge) will be deducted.
On Commissions received to users after an investment, user will receive commission after deducting admin charge + service charge (Total 14%)
Main wallet or any other wallet, when withdrawn then 14% charges will be applicable.
Whenever crypto coins are withdrawn from Coin Reward Free balance to other blockchain wallet, then 18% charges will be applicable. But if same coins are withdrawn to coin management 5% would be chargeable.
From KGN Coin Reward if anyone withdraws coins to blockchain, then for complete settlement it may take upto 7 to 10 working days.
Investment deduction charges for Monthly staking plan (MSP) will be 1.8%.
TDS would be applicable for all types of withdrawals and transaction.
Reward wallet withdrawal charges 14% deducted.
There will be an extra 2% processing charges on every new deposit.